Ansible guide :
I create a docker container with ansible, python and the demo from github.
git clone cd aci-learning-labs-code-samples
docker image with ansible and python:
docker pull zednetwork/aci-ansible2-4
New version with ansible 2.8.2 using debian 10.
docker pull zednetwork/aci-ansible.2-8-2
Docker Compose example:
version: "3" services: ansible: image: zednetwork/aci-ansible2-4 tty: true stdin_open: true
Start the container and connect to it:
docker-compose up -d Creating network "aci-ansible_default" with the default driver Pulling ansible (zednetwork/aci-ansible2-4:)… latest: Pulling from zednetwork/aci-ansible2-4 22dbe790f715: Downloading [> ] 465.6kB/45.34 MBf88405a685: Pulling fs layer 22dbe790f715: Downloading [=> <..> 22dbe790f715: Pull complete 3bf88405a685: Pull complete Creating aci-ansible_ansible_1 … done
Check container
# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE zednetwork/aci-ansible2-4 latest ff17ed37f691 34 minutes ago 659MB # docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 53993071ffa9 zednetwork/aci-ansible2-4 "bash" About a minute ago Up About a minute aci-ansible_ansible_1
Connect to the container. Use the Container ID above.
# docker exec -it 53993071ffa9 /bin/bash root@53993071ffa9:/#
This container already contains an example from ( This example uses a public ACI Fabric.
We can use the first playbook to create a tenant on the ACI Fabric. The fabric credential is on the inventory file.
root@53993071ffa9:~/aci_ansible_learning_labs_code_samples/intro_module# cat inventory [apic:vars] username=admin password=ciscopsdt ansible_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/env python" [apic]
You can connect directly to the fabric and verify if your tenant is present.
root@53993071ffa9:~/aci_ansible_learning_labs_code_samples/intro_module# ansible-playbook -i inventory 01_aci_tenant_pb.yml What would you like to name your Tenant?: MyFirstTenant-tn PLAY [ENSURE APPLICATION CONFIGURATION EXISTS] TASK [ENSURE APPLICATIONS TENANT EXISTS] changed: [] PLAY RECAP : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
Go to ACI > Tenants
You can delete your tenant with another playbook
root@53993071ffa9:~/aci_ansible_learning_labs_code_samples/intro_module# ansible-playbook -i inventory 01-1_aci_tenant_pb.yml What would you like to name your Tenant?: MyFirstTenant-tn PLAY [ENSURE APPLICATION CONFIGURATION EXISTS] TASK [ENSURE APPLICATIONS TENANT EXISTS] changed: [] PLAY RECAP : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
Other example to list all tenants:
# cat listTenants.yml --- - name: ENSURE APPLICATION CONFIGURATION EXISTS hosts: apic connection: local gather_facts: False tasks: - name: List all tenants aci_tenant: host: "{{ ansible_host }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" state: "query" validate_certs: False # ansible-playbook -i inventory listTenants.yml -vvv