Usually, SNMP is used to pool network devices. SNMP especially the walk function is very CPU intensive and is often unsecured by using SNMPv1 or SNMPv2.
Telemetry can help you to monitor your devices and not only the CPU/Memory or interface (in/out) counter. You can also monitor CRC, Optic budget, etc easily.
We will use Grafana with InfluxDB and Telegraf.

On Cisco Nexus device you need to enable the feature telemetry.
feature telemetry
Then you need to configure three others parts:
- A destination group, where is located your NMS tool
- A sensor Group, which contains what you want to stream to your NMS tool
- A subscription, which associates the destination group and the sensor group.
telemetry destination-group 1 ip address port 57000 protocol gRPC encoding GPB use-vrf management sensor-group 101 data-source NX-API path "show system resources" depth 0 sensor-group 102 data-source NX-API path "show interface transceiver detail" sensor-group 103 data-source NX-API path "show interface" path "show interface e1/2" subscription 101 dst-grp 1 snsr-grp 101 sample-interval 10000 subscription 102 dst-grp 1 snsr-grp 102 sample-interval 60000 subscription 103 dst-grp 1 snsr-grp 103 sample-interval 10000
In the previous example, we can see one destination group to stream the data to the server port 57000/tcp. We use gRPC with GPB to send the flow.
The server is a docker server, which runs Grafana with influxDB and telegraf.
# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 0ea44fcb6359 telegraf "/ tele…" 5 days ago Up 5 days 8092/udp, 8125/udp, 8094/tcp,>57000/tcp telemetry_telegraf_1 37001630a9aa grafana/grafana:latest "/" 5 days ago Up 5 days>3000/tcp telemetry_grafana_1 db99097a276f influxdb:latest "/ infl…" 5 days ago Up 5 days>8086/tcp telemetry_influxdb_1
You can run this stack with the following docker-compose file.
To start the stack enters the command docker-compose up -d
# cat docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: grafana: #restart: always image: grafana/grafana:latest ports: - "3000:3000" tty: true privileged: true influxdb: image: influxdb:latest ports: - '8086:8086' environment: - INFLUXDB_DB=db0 telegraf: image: telegraf ports: - '57000:57000' #restart: always
On the telegraf configuration, we just specify where is the influx database and what we used to receive the flow from the Nexus devices.
[global_tags] [agent] interval = "10s" round_interval = true metric_batch_size = 1000 metric_buffer_limit = 10000 collection_jitter = "0s" flush_interval = "10s" flush_jitter = "0s" precision = "" hostname = "" omit_hostname = false [..] [[outputs.influxdb]] urls = ["http://influxdb:8086"] database = "db0" [[inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt]] transport = "grpc" service_address = ":57000" [inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt.aliases] ifstats = "ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface/statistics"
The data source on Grafana:

Now, you should received data to your influxdb via your pipeline telegraf. This is the moment to create a dashboard.
The following example will show how to monitor your optical budget.

Now you need to create you request to get the value. In this example we want to use the stream with the command “show interface transceiver detail” and select one specific interface (Ethernet 1/16). We can use the parameter Where Table_interface to get all interfaces and select the good one. Finally if you have a lot of Nexus devices you can add a source. The latest part is to select which value you want. Here we get rx_pwr.

If you need to have the detail before. You can enter the following command on your Cisco Nexus device.
# show interface e1/16 transceiver details | json-pretty { "TABLE_interface": { "ROW_interface": { "interface": "Ethernet1/16", "sfp": "present", "type": "Fabric Extender Transceiver", "name": "CISCO-FINISAR", "partnum": "FTLX8570D3BCL-C2", "rev": "A", "serialnum": "FNxxxxxxx", "nom_bitrate": "10300", "len_625": "10", "len_50_OM3": "100", "ciscoid": "3", "ciscoid_1": "4", "cisco_part_number": "10-2566-02", "cisco_product_id": "FET-10G", "cisco_vendor_id": "V02", "TABLE_lane": { "ROW_lane": { "temperature": "36.36", "temp_flag": null, "temp_alrm_hi": "75.00", "temp_alrm_lo": "5.00", "temp_warn_hi": "70.00", "temp_warn_lo": "10.00", "voltage": "3.26", "volt_flag": null, "volt_alrm_hi": "3.63", "volt_alrm_lo": "2.97", "volt_warn_hi": "3.46", "volt_warn_lo": "3.13", "current": "7.89", "current_flag": null, "current_alrm_hi": "11.80", "current_alrm_lo": "4.00", "current_warn_hi": "10.80", "current_warn_lo": "5.00", "tx_pwr": "-2.47", "tx_pwr_flag": null, "tx_pwr_alrm_hi": "2.69", "tx_pwr_alrm_lo": "-11.30", "tx_pwr_warn_hi": "-1.30", "tx_pwr_warn_lo": "-7.30", "rx_pwr": "-2.42", "rx_pwr_flag": null, "rx_pwr_alrm_hi": "2.99", "rx_pwr_alrm_lo": "-13.97", "rx_pwr_warn_hi": "-1.00", "rx_pwr_warn_lo": "-9.91", "xmit_faults": "0" } } } } }
You can change the title and the units.

You can also define thresholds.

The following picture will show you two cases. The Ethernet E1/15 which has an issue in Rx and the Ethernet E1/16 where the values are good.

In CLI :
N9K1# show interface e1/15 transceiver details Ethernet1/15 transceiver is present type is Fabric Extender Transceiver name is CISCO-JDSU part number is PLRXPL-VC-S43-CG revision is B serial number is JURxxxxxxxx nominal bitrate is 10300 MBit/sec Link length supported for 62.5/125um fiber is 10 m Link length supported for 50/125um OM3 fiber is 100 m cisco id is 3 cisco extended id number is 4 cisco part number is 10-2566-02 cisco product id is FET-10G cisco version id is V02 SFP Detail Diagnostics Information (internal calibration) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Alarms Warnings Measurement High Low High Low ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temperature 37.33 C 75.00 C 5.00 C 70.00 C 10.00 C Voltage 3.26 V 3.63 V 2.97 V 3.46 V 3.13 V Current 4.80 mA 10.00 mA 2.59 mA 8.50 mA 3.00 mA Tx Power -2.21 dBm 2.69 dBm -11.30 dBm -1.30 dBm -7.30 dBm Rx Power -26.98 dBm -- 2.99 dBm -13.97 dBm -1.00 dBm -9.91 dBm Transmit Fault Count = 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: ++ high-alarm; + high-warning; -- low-alarm; - low-warning N9K1# show interface e1/16 transceiver details Ethernet1/16 transceiver is present type is Fabric Extender Transceiver name is CISCO-FINISAR part number is FTLX8570D3BCL-C2 revision is A serial number is FNxxxxxxYS nominal bitrate is 10300 MBit/sec Link length supported for 62.5/125um fiber is 10 m Link length supported for 50/125um OM3 fiber is 100 m cisco id is 3 cisco extended id number is 4 cisco part number is 10-2566-02 cisco product id is FET-10G cisco version id is V02 SFP Detail Diagnostics Information (internal calibration) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Alarms Warnings Measurement High Low High Low ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temperature 36.03 C 75.00 C 5.00 C 70.00 C 10.00 C Voltage 3.27 V 3.63 V 2.97 V 3.46 V 3.13 V Current 7.89 mA 11.80 mA 4.00 mA 10.80 mA 5.00 mA Tx Power -2.44 dBm 2.69 dBm -11.30 dBm -1.30 dBm -7.30 dBm Rx Power -2.41 dBm 2.99 dBm -13.97 dBm -1.00 dBm -9.91 dBm Transmit Fault Count = 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: ++ high-alarm; + high-warning; -- low-alarm; - low-warning
Other example to monitor the CPU with the sensor group: show system resources.