How to upgrade a module C3Kx-SM10G

First download on Cisco web site the tarball associate to your version.

Example :

# sh version | i System image
System image file is "flash:/c3750e-universalk9-mz.152-1.E3.bin"

Upload the tarball on your flash or upgrade directly by ftp. Here, we use this file : c3kx-sm10g-tar.152-1.E3.tar

After use this command :

switch#archive download-sw /leave-old-sw flash:/c3kx-sm10g-tar.152-1.E3.tar
examining image...
extracting info (99 bytes)
extracting c3kx-sm10g-mz.152-1.E3/info (501 bytes)
extracting info (99 bytes)
Stacking Version Number: 1.51
System Type: 0x00010002
 Ios Image File Size: 0x017AEA00
 Total Image File Size: 0x017AEA00
 Minimum Dram required: 0x08000000
 Image Suffix: sm10g-152-1.E3
 Image Directory: c3kx-sm10g-mz.152-1.E3
 Image Name: c3kx-sm10g-mz.152-1.E3.bin
 Image Feature: IP|LAYER_3|MIN_DRAM_MEG=128
 FRU Module Version: 03.05.03.IND3
Updating FRU Module on switch 2...
All software images installed.

Reload your switch and your module will be ok.


How simplify the configuration on your Cisco Nexus 5K

Port profiles can reduce errors and apply the same configurations.

You create a port-profile and inherit it on your interface. Don’t forget the max-port  on your port-profile if you apply on a lot interface.

port-profile type ethernet FREE
max-port 1024
state enable
port-profile type ethernet ACCESS_PORT
max-port 1024
switchport mode access
spanning-tree port type edge
no cdp enable
no shutdown
state enable

After you can use your port-profile and add you Vlan ID for example. You reduce the number of line and use each time your interface with the same commands.

interface eth101/1/1
inherit port-profile ACCESS_PORT
switchport access vlan 100

You can use this command to display the complete configuration :

sh run int eth101/1/1 expand-port-profile