If you want to test the automation with Cisco ACI, you can use the following container.
docker pull zednetwork/aci-dev:latest root@docker1:~/aci-dev# docker images zednetwork/aci-dev REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE zednetwork/aci-dev latest b1c09a7c66f0 About an hour ago 1.31GB
I preinstalled Ansible 2.9.11, the ACI SDK (COBRA) in version 4.2(4) and ARYA.
You can run directly the container with the command:
docker run -it <Image ID> bash
or start it with docker-compose command :
docker-compose up -d
Docker-compose file :
--- version: "3" services: aci-dev: image: zednetwork/aci-dev:latest stdin_open: true
and connect to the container :
root@docker1:~/aci-dev# docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports ------------------------------------------- aci-dev_aci-dev_1 bash Up root@docker1:~/aci-dev# docker exec -it aci-dev_aci-dev_1 bash
Packages version
root@3a93719ed29b:~# ansible --version /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cryptography/__init__.py:39: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release. CryptographyDeprecationWarning, ansible 2.9.11 config file = None configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible python version = 2.7.16 (default, Oct 10 2019, 22:02:15) [GCC 8.3.0] root@3a93719ed29b:~# pip list Package Version ------------ --------- acicobra 4.2-4i acimodel 4.2-4i ansible 2.9.11 arya 1.1.5 certifi 2020.6.20 cffi 1.14.1 chardet 3.0.4 cryptography 3.0 enum34 1.1.10 et-xmlfile 1.0.1 future 0.18.2 idna 2.10 ipaddress 1.0.23 jdcal 1.4.1 Jinja2 2.11.2 MarkupSafe 1.1.1 openpyxl 2.6.4 pip 18.1 ply 3.11 prettytable 0.7.2 pyaml 20.4.0 pycparser 2.20 PyYAML 5.3.1 requests 2.24.0 setuptools 44.1.1 six 1.15.0 urllib3 1.25.10
Then you can copy and paste one script and runs it.
Example with the script (https://zed-network.fr/?p=511) :
root@40a189762958:~/cobra# pwd /root/cobra root@40a189762958:~/cobra# ls getEP.py root@40a189762958:~/cobra# python getEP.py MAC: FA:16:3E:9A:35:B7 | IP: | Encaps: vlan-489 MAC: FA:16:3E:BB:B4:BE | IP: | Encaps: vlan-488 [..]