Estimate memory to allocate for IPv4 unicast route

Estimate memory to allocate for a vdc :

# sh routing ipv4 unicast memory estimate routes 600000 next-hops 2
Shared memory estimates:
 Current max 96 MB; 36526 routes with 32 nhs
 Current max 96 MB; 32013 routes with 32 IPv6 nhs
 in-use 1 MB; 11 routes with 1 nhs (average)
 in-use 1 MB; 11 routes with 0 IPv6 nhs (average)
 Configured max 8 MB; 2651 routes with 32 nhs
 Configured max 8 MB; 2324 routes with 32 IPv6 nhs
 Estimate memory with fixed overhead: 215 MB; 600000 routes with 2 nhs and 0 IPv6 nhs
 Estimate with variable overhead included:
 - With MVPN enabled VRF: 233 MB
 - With OSPF route (PE-CE protocol): 267 MB
 - With EIGRP route (PE-CE protocol): 307 MB